Anudder happy customer


Siena Rasmussen of Alethia Homestead with her does CH Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna E90 (CH Zenith x Royal Kaliber) on left, and SGCH/MCH Algedi Farm DJ Honey Dew 1*M E91 (SGCH Tupelo Honey x CH Drops of Jupiter) on right.  Photo courtesy of Dana McKenzie.

If you have purchased an Algedi Farm animal in the past, and would be willing to write us a testimonial, please email it to KaleeThank you!

Testimonials on our dam raised kids:

I just returned from taking the goats and our two Airedale terriers  for their walk, Captain Kid (CH Splash O' Honey x Sitka Spruce) has fit right in with our herd and family, everyone appears to be getting along and has accepted Captain K as part of the family. I trimmed the herds hooves today, and Captain K was a perfect gentleman. I'm quite impressed with Captain K's  overall appearance, he especially excels in dairy character. I will keep you informed on how he continues to adjust to his new home.
You have been very helpful! Anytime I e-mail I always get a quick response, and you are very friendly, knowledgeable, helpful and accommodating. 
Thanks again, Chuck.
Charles Novak
Nizoni Farm
Astoria, Oregon "

I wanted to let you know now that the Star (Algedi Farm MH Sea The Stars - CH Zenith x Manuka Honey) babies have had time to grow a little хорошие экскурсии по Москве-реке от Киевского вокзала, I think they are the cutest ND's on the planet. His kids have really pretty heads and nice toplines. I will be using him more now.

Ginger Parker

Gotta B Kidn Nigerians

"Kalee spent hours with us answering our questions, She is very helpful before and AFTER you buy goats from her.
I highly recommend Algedi Farm! Im so thrilled with the 3 I got this year; Athena ( Cassiopeia X Rhythm 'n Blues) got her Jr GCH at her first show beating 26 other kids.  Steel Guitar ( CH Capella X CH Jupiter ) got a GCH his first show not only beating all the Juniors he beat the Senior Bucks  And baby
Ocean (CH Splash X Rhythm 'n Blues) has not shown yet.

9/10/11 Update - Ocean went to her first show and picked up her ADGA/AGS Jr. Leg.  Congrats guys! - Kalee

Thank you so much.

Krystal McGuire

"Dear Kalee,
I wanted to take a moment to thank you again for the opportunity to add Stormy (Algedi Farm RB Storm Surge - CH Splash O' Honey x Rhythm 'n Blues) as our new Jr. Herdsire!  I am SO happy with him! He is so long, sharp and dairy, and I love that long, level rump!!  It's refreshing to purchase from another breeder who manages their herd in a very similar manner as myself ~  using herbs and other natural management practices.  I also appreciate that you were happy to give him some extra *goodies* and supplements prior to his trip.  No wonder he is strong and healthy after his almost 2 day long adventure from Oregon to Southern California!!  =)   He is settling in nicely and doing very well.   Every time I look at him, I smile because he is so beautiful, both his conformation and temperament are so lovely.  I can't wait to see his sons & daughters in the coming years, who will hopefully look like just like him! :o)
I would definitely purchase from you again.  You were always so kind to quickly respond to my emails, and answered all of my questions in depth.  You were always willing to share your knowledge of your beautiful animals.  I also appreciate that all paperwork/health information, etc, were given to me in a timely manner.  Our entire transaction was a very pleasant experience!!   
Thanks again Kalee for *everything*!  =)

"Hi Kalee!

 Wanted to let you know Solaris (Ch Zenith x Manuka Honey) has settled in with no problems!
We didn't get back to the barn until around 2 am and he was very happy to be out of his crate. He's made two new friends (other junior bucklings around his age) and he was chasing them around blowing raspberries at them today, so I guess he's feeling pretty comfortable here. HA ha

Anyway- he is beautiful! His length of body is amazing. I can't wait to watch this boy grow up here.
I will keep you posted on him throughout, here are some pictures of him settling in here!

Thanks again for all of your help- I'm thinking next year we might be thinking of a doeling from you for sure!
Talk to you soon!
Addie Pepoli
Proctor Hill Farm"

"Well Kalee,
Here I am writing you AGAIN in less than a week to thank you for breeding such a special goat as Honey Dew. We're thinking of changing her name to Honey DID! I am still getting over her finishing her ADGA championship in the only three times she was ever shown, but yesterday at the Chino show show, she did it again, making her an her AGS champion as well. She won her class under all three judges, went grand under all three and went Best Doe in Show under one judge. The judges comments overwhelmed me and brought me to tears. The judge that named her his Best Doe in Show asked if he could take a picture of her to send his son because, "He won't believe I just put a Nigerian Best Doe in Show unless he see's her". Another judge said, "The best mammary system I've ever seen on a Nigerian". And the other judge said, "If I were to dream of a Nigerian, THIS would be the goat of my dreams." She draws admirers everywhere she goes. We feel so blessed to have her in our herd.
Dana and Siena of Alethia Farm"

"Hi Tamara and Kalee-

I hope that this finds your spring a successful one, and that all your
does have given you what you wanted (what a wish!). Things are great down
here in Sonoma County. I was just judging a show in Southern California
that reminded me how much I appreciate your Nigerian Dwarfs. They are the
best Nigerians that I have had the pleasure to judge, and I again wanted to
compliment you on your accomplishments as breeders. You guys are amazing!
I attached a picture of a Tupelo Honey x Jupiter doe that I just put BDIS
in a youth show, but what a beauty. I was blown away! Her name is Honey
Dew. I know as a breeder how pleasing it is to not only have animals that
do well, but sell animals that do well! Kudos! I hope that we will again
see you at the REDGA show! Keep up the awesomeness!


PS I took the pic with my phone, so its not perfect, but what a beauty!

Trinity Smith
Herd Manager
Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery


"Hi Kalee,

Thought I would send some pictures since we FINALLY got to a show. As you
know, the only other time we showed Honey Dew (Tupelo Honey x Drops of Jupiter) was as a junior in
Victorville in 07 where she went grand under the two judges we showed
her under, beating out 27 juniors, and got her junior leg.

Sat. Siena and Honey Dew won the AOP class, went grand, (after the
class, the judge asked Siena if she could take her goat's picture) and
then went on to win Best Doe in Show! They also won dam and daughter
class with Honey Dew's yearling doe kid.

Sun. in the open show, there were two rings/judges. They went grand
again in both rings. One judge gave her Best Doe in Show again and the
other judge had plenty of nice things to say about her, including "I
wish more Nigerians looked like this goat!" Apparently she finished her
ADGA championship the only three times she was shown... and she's only
freshened twice. The first freshening she was unshown. We are VERY
excited. Thank you so much for such a lovely goat.

Oh, and at the open show, Honey Dew's yearling won the AOP junior class
under both judges and went grand under both - Dana and Siena of Alethia Farm


"We are so pleased with the 3 beautiful does we have from Algedi Farm.   We picked up the girls last spring and Tamara and Kalee spent hours with us answering all of our questions.  We are new to goats and we had so many questions; Tamara and Kalee have continued to provide help and direction over the past year.  We couldnt be more pleased with our gentle girls, the milk, entertainment and companionship they provide us is priceless.  We are so happy to have found Algedi Farm; their animals are of wonderful quality and we couldnt ask them to come from a better home.   Thank you again!

 Debbie Frigo
Olivers Ranch"

"Jim and I made a long trip from Indiana to Oregon in March of 2009, and purchased 9 Nigerian Dwarf goats from Algedi Farm.  Seven well bred does and two awesome bucks.  We could not be more pleased with the goats we purchased.   A great  addition of real quality animals to our existing herd.  Tamara and
Kalee were delightful in which to work, and truly know their goats.  Our herd consists of 10 goats now out of the Algedi herd.  In the future, I would not hesitate to purchase additional  goats from Kalee and Tamara.  It was a very positive experience.
 Kathy & Jim Sullivan
Jasper Pine Nigerian Dwarf Goats"

"Just wanted to thank you for the most enjoyable time that Tom and I have been having with the goats, Blue and Brownie. They are so wonderful, and you're right they follow you around just like dogs. Their antics are so entertaining and there sweetness is unbelievable. We are enjoying Blue and Brownie, thank you so much for your guidance and support.  Next spring we are looking forward to a doe.

All our thanks and appreciation, Nettie and Tom"

"I have purchased several Nigerian goats from Algedi Farm and have been very pleased with their overall health and conformation.  These goats have not only improved my herd, but have also done well in the show ring.  I feel comfortable in highly recommending goats from Algedi Farm and hope to purchase more in the future.

Debbie Toomey
Adobe Acres
Nipomo, CA"

"We purchased two pet wethers from Algedi Farm last year, and those happy, healthy boys have turned into excellent therapy animals for our disabled grandfather.  We couldn't be more pleased!

Ryan & Jillian Garrett
Apothecary Inn
Jacksonville, OR"

"I am writing you to tell you how thrilled I am with my Algedi Farm Nigerians.  I was fortunate enough to be the highest bidder on the buckling that you donated to the Treasure Valley DGA's show in 2007.  I was so impressed with the little guy's pedigree and genetics, that I ran the bidding up to $500 (and would have gone higher!).  Well I made a wise investment because this spring at appraisal, Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck (CH Zenith x Hamachi) appraised with a final score of 90! I couldn't be more thrilled!  I am SO impressed with Thunder, that when I saw you had a doeling for sale from his full brother, I couldn't pass her up!  Algedi Good n' Plenty (Chocolata Kiss x CH Drops Of Jupiter) just arrived a few days ago, and she is as gorgeous as I knew she would be!  You will definitely see her at all of the shows in 2009!  Thanks again ... Ken"

"Here's my testimonial on dam raising:

When I was thinking of having children, I knew that I wanted to give them the best start in life, and I planned to nurse them. Now I am about to start a new family of goats, and I want the healthiest, friendliest and best adjusted kids that have great genetics to start my herd with. I am choosing dam raised kids for many reasons. It just makes sense that the mother is more available to the baby's true need for food instead of scheduled bottle feeding. Plus, just from my experience of visiting a few farms, I can say that the dam raised kids have had the most delightful personalities, whereas the bottle fed babies were more chewy and interested in me as a food source instead of someone new to explore and learn about.

At one farm I visited, the mother was still calling out to her baby that she had been separated from, and I could feel the tug at my heart. It just doesn't seem like the human can be as good as a mother to the goat kid as the actual mother herself. The bottle fed babies maaa'd in loudly every time I walked by, hoping for the bottle to come their way. I left that farm with my tennis shoe lace system ruined by chewing, and a feeling that there must be a better way.

When I first arrived at Algedi farm, it was like there was a small welcoming committee of goats waiting for me. It was a joyful greeting on both sides. During my visit the kids that were with their mothers were extremely curious and happy to approach, easily allowing me to hold them and carry them.  I know this has a great deal to do with the wonderful socialization they are receiving from their caretakers Kalee and Tamara. From visiting their farm I realized that kids that have received a lot of human contact as they are dam raised are the most delightful of all. It certainly must be better for their development from a physical standpoint, and so there is no question in my mind that I will be choosing dam raised kids.

Virani Saar"


Thank you to all our wonderful customers! 
We wish you the best of luck with your new animals, and look forward to crossing paths again!

All photos and text are copyright Algedi Farm and the Rousso family unless otherwise noted.  Pictures and text may only be used with our express permission